Local 1959


We are Commercial Painters, Industrial Coaters, Drywall Finishers, Glaziers, Sign & Display Workers, Floorcoverers, & other Allied Trade Workers.

Local 1959 Representative

Bronson Frye

Phone: (907) 562-8843

Email: bronson@iupatdc5.org


Scroll down to “MESSAGE BRONSON

Apprenticeship & Training

Interested in becoming an Apprentice? Want to receive more training?

Visit the AATCA website or contact Apprenticeship & Training Coordinator:

Tim Lindsey: (907) 562-8847, tlindsey@local1959.org

Local Union Meetings

  • Third Wednesday of each month at 5:00PM

    5821 Arctic Blvd, Unit B, Anchorage, AK 99518

  • Third Wednesday of each month at 5:00PM

    800 30th Ave, Unit A, Fairbanks, AK 99701


  • Pay your dues

    Members can pay their dues online by clicking the button below or by contacting the Dues Clerk at (855) 297-0229, Extension 151.

  • Contract & Wage Schedule

    Looking for your Collective Bargaining Agreement or Wage Schedule? Click the button below.

  • Training & Apprenticeship

    Click button for information on training, testing, & our training partners. OR, scroll up to contact Apprenticeship & Training Coordinator, Tim Lindsey.

  • Unemployment

    Out of work? Apply for unemployment benefits, file your claims, find other information.

  • Discounts & Services

    UnionPlus offers IUPAT members a variety of services, products, and discounts (car insurance, wireless plans, insurance, travel, entertainment, education, and more).

  • Scholarships

    IUPAT and UnionPlus offer numerous financial aid opportunities for members and their families pursuing college degrees and continued education. Start your search here.

  • Volunteer Activist Committee

    IUPAT DC5 fights to ensure ALL working people have a sustainable economic future for their families. The VAC offers numerous volunteer opportunities for you to join the fight.

  • Bylaws

    Bylaws are amended and ratified by Local 1959 membership every 5 years. Click button below to view the most current ratified version.

  • The Five

    Click the button to find issues of our membership magazine, The Five. Two different viewing methods: 1 or 2 pages at a time.



Local 1959 members receive health insurance through the Employee Painters’ Trust (EPT). BeneSys is the administrator for your healthcare plan.

For specifics of your healthcare plan, click the EPT Informational Packet.

Login to your account >>> BeneSys Website




Local 1959 members benefit from

two retirement plans…

(Defined Contribution)

Plan administered by Labor Trust Services: (907) 561-5119 ext 4243


(Defined Benefit)

To contribute a larger amount to your Industry Pension Fund >>


EMployee Assistance Program

DC5 Members have access to all sorts of support and resources through the Employee Assistance Program. Everything from drug & alcohol recovery and suicide prevention to gardening tips and pet insurance are accessible with one phone call.

 Dispatch & Out-Of-Work

Contact Bronson Frye (Anchorage) or Charlie Young (Fairbanks) monthly to make sure your name remains on the dispatch list.



5821 Arctic Blvd, Unit B
Anchorage, AK 99518


Phone & Fax
P: (907) 562-8843, F: (907) 563-8843


Fairbanks office

800 30th Ave, Unit A
Fairbanks, AK 99701


Phone & Fax
P: (907) 457-4444, F: (907) 457-4446