Local 1094
We are Paint Makers, Truck Painters, Sign & Display Workers, & other Allied Trade Workers.
Local 1094 Representative

Local Union Meetings
Fourth Monday of each month at 4:30PM
5200 Southcenter Blvd, Suite 200 - Tukwila, WA 98188
Third Tuesday of each month at 3:30PM.
11105 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, OR, 97220
Pay your dues
Members can pay their dues by calling the number below, or contacting your Local 1094 Business Representative.
Contract & Wage Schedule
Looking for your Collective Bargaining Agreement or Wage Schedule? Click the button below, choose your trade, and then scroll to your contract and wage schedule.
Signatory List
Click the button below for a list of all Local 1094 signatory employers.
Training & Apprenticeship
IUPAT DC5 Apprentices, Journeyworkers, and Military & Tribal members, click button for information on training, testing, & certifications offered by our training partners.
Out of work? Apply for unemployment benefits, file your claims, find other information.
Discounts & Services
UnionPlus offers IUPAT members a variety of services, products, and discounts (car insurance, wireless plans, insurance, travel, entertainment, education, and more).
IUPAT and UnionPlus offer numerous financial aid opportunities for members and their families pursuing college degrees and continued education. Start your search here.
Volunteer Activist Committee
IUPAT DC5 fights to ensure ALL working people have a sustainable economic future for their families. The VAC offers numerous volunteer opportunities for you to join the fight.
Bylaws are amended and ratified by Local 1094 membership every 5 years. Click button below to view the most current ratified version.
The Five
Click the button to find issues of our membership magazine, The Five. Two different viewing methods: 1 or 2 pages at a time.
Depending on employer, Local 1094 members receive health insurance through numerous healthcare plans. If you are unsure who your provider is, contact your Business Representative.
Some 1094 members benefit from the Employee Painters’ Trust, while others do not. BeneSys is the administrator for EPT.
For specifics of EPT healthcare plan, click the EPT Informational Packet.
Login to your EPT account >>> BeneSys Website
Contact your Business Representative or employer for all other plans.

Pension Information
Depending on employer, Local 1094 members benefit from numerous retirement plans. If you are NOT sure which plan(s) pertain to you, contact your Business Representative.
Paint Makers Plan A&B, Zenith American Solutions (800) 426-5980
Western Metal Industry Pension Plan (206) 664-7300 or (800) 426-7132
To contribute a larger amount to your IUPAT Industry Pension Fund…
EMployee Assistance Program
DC5 Members have access to all sorts of support and resources through the Employee Assistance Program. Everything from drug & alcohol recovery and suicide prevention to gardening tips and pet insurance are accessible with one phone call.

Dispatch & Out-Of-Work
Message Fred
5200 Southcenter Blvd, Suite 200
Tukwila, WA 98188
7am–4pm (Local dues processed until 3:45pm)
Phone & Fax
P: (206) 443-1094, F: (206) 957-1886